there are things i don't want to remember about this time in my life. most of those stories are starring a recurring character called Monster Mom, who steps in when Well Rested Mom or Patient Mom takes a break. the thing is, i will remember those stories with great clarity. i just don't want to share them.
but there are some things i do want to remember, and i know i will forget them if i don't record them somewhere. and rather than try to keep them all in my head and write a big long post, i've decided to just write down whatever i remember right now and post it. there's a better chance that i'll post something this way.
so here's one that comes to mind:
the other day, i went into max and reed's room while brynn was sleeping to see what they were up to. i ended up lying down on the vacant bunk bed.
reed: mom, are you taking a nap?
me: yes, i'm taking a nap. i'm very tired.
max climbs up to his bed, throws down his quilt, climbs down, and puts his quilt on top of me.
max: mom, do you need a blanket?
me: thank you max! you got me your blanket from your bed?
max: yeah. i just want to make sure you're warm for your nap.
reed sits next to me on the bed with a book.
reed: mommy, do you want me to read you a story?
me: yes please.
reed: once upon a time, there was a good knight. and he went to the park, and played on the slide, and the swings, and he went to church, and went to primary. the end.
at this point, i had to look at what book had such a similar plot to his life. it was a book about a motorcycle policeman named max. go figure.
me: thanks for reading to me, reed. do you want to read me another book?
reed, in his best mom voice: no, not right now. you go to sleep, mommy.
they take such good care of me. :)
and then they left me alone!
i think i got to sleep for a good 20 minutes before we had to go pick up dean from school.