Sunday, November 30, 2008

just one more week...

until grandma gets here to await baby's arrival. :) i make no promises about when that date will actually be. i do know that i will be 40 weeks one week from today. so take that as you will.

in the past two weeks, we've had some adventures. it started last weekend when Dean puked over the side of his bed. that was awesome. two days later Max got sick (but not on the carpet this time, thankfully). the adults managed to escape this little virus, but it made for a few days of stir-crazy mommy and kiddos. it was also when the wildfires were close to us, causing much smoke in the air--so much so that there were advisories about whether schools would cancel because of the air quality. so we didn't leave the apartment for about three days. the saving grace was when my friend came over to help me. i was kind of joking when i said, "well, we can start in the kitchen, and then there are bathrooms and vacuuming to do," and she said, "ok!" and we went to work! she emptied the sink of dishes, scrubbed the stove, took out the trash, and then moved on to the dining area while i wiped down counters, scrubbed burners, and cleaned the floor. i think just being around someone who had some energy did wonders, but the fact that she got started on the seemingly herculean task of cleaning my house really helped me feel like i could do something. we each have two boys roughly the same ages, so they were playing happily most of the time we were cleaning. after she left i finished vacuuming the living area, which i have been meaning to do for a couple weeks but felt too daunted to start.
the three days before thanksgiving i was extremely blessed by friends who knew i was suffering. i was able to get a pedicure, go to the dr. sans children, and go christmas shopping sans children. and rather than feel guilty about having other people watch my kids this week, i have just felt rejuvenated. when was the last time i spent an hour in a bookstore?
and then troy was home for a long weekend! my lovely husband scrubbed our bathroom floor this weekend, on his hands and knees! i've been able to stay in bed in the morning and get naps in the afternoons because he's been home. it's been so nice to have so much help and really not feel like i have to do it all but can't because my body won't let me. delegate!

we got pretty lucky as far as thanksgiving was concerned: we got to do it twice! and make pies! thanksgiving day we went to aunt mary alice's house and spent the day with her children and grandchildren and a couple of in-laws of her children. lots of good food, and card games into the night. saturday we went to aunt heidi's house and spent the evening with her and aunt dori and their families. i was expecting leftovers and maybe fresh mashed potatoes or something, but no. this was a whole other turkey, stuffing, yams, mashed potatoes, the works. it was great! and all the cooking i ended up doing was a pumpkin pie. troy did the rest of the pie-baking: an apple pie and chocolate pudding pie for thanksgiving at aunt mary alice's, and then another apple pie to bring with my pumpkin pie to aunt heidi's. he's really good at peeling apples! :)

another blessing i feel much more because i'm so pregnant right now: the weather has cooled off considerably this weekend. it actually rained early this week, and today i don't think it got warmer than 70 degrees. AND it's foggy. love it! (i know, for all of you living in harsh climates, it's hard to hear me complain about the weather in southern california, but the metaphor of "cooking" a "bun in the oven" has a sure foundation in the collective experience of expectant mothers.)

so we end the week on an up. thank you to all who are praying for us, and especially for the little babe inside me. he's strong, trust me! now we're just praying for patience and a speedy delivery. i've never done well in the homestretch of a pregnancy, but i'm trying! my bag is packed and in the car, even! i'm ready to go. :) so thank you for all your help and prayers.


Amanda said...

Gotta love friends like that. :)

Shanna said...

Hello! I saw your blog address written on my parents fridge when I was home for Christmas! It will be fun to have another way to keep up with you guys! Hope all is well - talk to ya soon!! XOXO