Sunday, November 16, 2008

little trip

so, the same week we had our carpets cleaned we also went to the bay area to make troy's boring business trip a mini-vacation. the boys and i dropped daddy off at the airport, and then got back on the highway and drove to mountain view. kind of crazy, but it was fun. the boys were really good in the car (many answered prayers) and i managed to stay sane on I-5 for five hours. all those cows...
anyway that was thursday night, and we got to see a former mission companion of troy's at his apartment--in mountain view!
here is troy with his former companion, darcy. oh, and that's max, rummaging through the toys. (get a load of that hair!)

darcy has two little boys--and they had trains. so, do you think dean ate dinner with us?

yeah. that's tidmouth sheds right there, folks. dinner comes waaay after that on dean's priority list.

friday the boys and i played at a park and then went to see a friend from LA who recently moved to santa rosa. they were in the midst of getting into a house that weekend so we drove all the way up to her house and then all the way back to mountain view. it was an adventure--and of course i forgot to bring out the camera. :( hope you're in your house by now, lezlie!

saturday we went to san francisco and took the alcatraz cruise, which of course included a boat ride. :) it was a lovely day. it's really beautiful there (in the city--probably not from inside the prison, eh, dean?)
that was our little family mini-vacation in the bay. i must admit it was pretty exhausting for my oh-so-pregnant body. the drive home was peaceful as well--so much nicer with another adult to talk to!
i apologize for leaving the blog alone for so long. i was on a roll for a while! i must confess i get pretty disappointed when i check blogs of friends and family and there's nothing new week after week, so i'm trying not to disappoint. :) speaking of disappointment, sorry the text and pictures don't line up exactly perfectly. i'm learning.

1 comment:

Lezlie Lee said...

Hey Maurine,
Yes we did finally get into our house. It did finally happen about an hour after you guys left, and I feel as if life has been a constant rollercoaster ever since. We retiled half the down stairs, and we're painting and this and that and a million other things that add up to alot of late nights. So sorry I never called to give you the update. Once everything is a little more in order I'll post before and after pics on our blog.